The annual quilt blessing was held on October 6, 2024. The "Close Enough" quilters completed 141 quilts in 2024. Nine quilts were sold and a couple given as gifts to individuals and organizations. 130 quilts were send to Lutheran World Relief. New this year, we added 11 fabric & thread kits to be shipped with the quilts.
The Close Enough Quilter Group made 128 quilts for the Lutheran World Relief, Ukraine donation efforts and other local charities. Of the 128 quilts, 46 were donated to Ukraine, 4 to local youth, 1 to Bethesda Outreach Fundraiser, and 1 to a local homeless gentleman.
New this year, the quilters asked for donations for the shipping cost of $2.25 per quilt. With a donation of $50, you received a quilt of your choice. Over $650 was received in donations for shipping.
The Quilts were blessed in a special service and the remaining quilts shipped to an ingathering for distribution by Lutheran World Relief.
Pictured below are the Tote Bags made by workers at the ALL SEW SATURDAY in September.
The Quilter Group, "CLOSE ENOUGH" have made 114 Quilts in 2022. 42 quilts were sent to Ukraine and the rest were shipped to Lutheran World Relief for distribution.
Thank you for your hard work!
Members of Immanuel help to fill the tote bags for the homeless at the Community Shelter. Thank you to the Social Ministry and all the members who volunteered their time, purchased items and donated monetary gifts for this worthwhile cause.
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